Hosting Solutions

There are lot of things come into mind when it deals about hosting the application over web.You need to specific and clear about you audience and requirement before come to decide the tariff plans that most resellers and providers offer.
  • Space - The space where all your scripts and web documents reside.If you're going to develop an multimedia based application, then probably you need more space.
  • Bandwidth - This is the most important attibute that the dealer hides from the customer.Most times, they offer plenty of space with limited bandwidth meaning at certain point of time within month/week/day as per your tariff, if bandwidth exceeds , the end user may get Application Error over www.
  • DB Storage/MySQL - Make sure you're provided multiple DB's with considerable space.
  • Email - Based on your application,you might need multiple email ids and a better server to serve.
  • Support - And finally support.Make sure your questions/concerns are listened and answered in proper way.